Archive for the ‘birthday’ Tag

My weekend

I was off this weekend from the hospital and it was great! It was also my birthday (Friday the 13th) and I didn’t want to have to work anyways. I got off work at 7:30am the morning of my birthday and all I had on my mind was sleep.

I got home and hit the sack and I heard my phone ringing. It was the first of my friends arriving into town. She said,”hey I’m just calling you to say I’m on my way”. I said,”Ok”. As soon as I hung up, I was asleep again. I don’t know how long it took her to get here but, it seemed like 2 minutes. She was knocking on the door because I forgot I locked it, and I said,”Wow,didn’t you just call me?”

My day started as soon as she got here. I was excited…because she doesn’t live here anymore and as much as I would love for her to move back,something…rather someone,is holding her back. Anyways…we went and met another friend at he mall,she has the cutest boy I have ever seen. She will be the second one of my friends with a child,the other one has a son on the way.

While I am taking time out to be a doctor and the hospital has literally becomes my 2nd home my friends are having babies. Well everyone is having kids. There is an alarming amount of pregnant women around lately. Must be that time of year.

My birthday ended with my friends and I renting a hotel room because we got locked out of my place,and spending the night there! It was fun even though I was a bitch and I complained because me not getting any sleep,starting kicking my ass. By then, I had officially been awake for 22 hours straight!

I appreciate my friends…a lot. They are some of the best I have ever had. Britanie, we are like day and night…we are complete opposites. I think we get along great because of it,that friendship is 5 years strong. She’s the party person. Stays up all night, very open,likes to talk to people and make friends. She talks to anyone,like a naive child that is too trusting. She takes care of everyone and leaves herself out. We argue about that a lot she’s always sick and puts everyone first and herself last.Good quality but she complains that no one appreciates what she does. I do!

Jamie James(it’s what I call her)…she went and got a family. LOL. I can’t hate her for it. She was ready to settle down,married a guy and became a step mom. More power to her! She’s coming back in town next month so we can all get together and have a girls’ night or two. All-in-all,I had a fantastic weekend and it’s sad that it had to end so quickly. I hope everyone had a great weekend or however you spent yours, I hope it was enjoyable.

The angry pre-med student, signing out!